Frage I've bought a BMW 850i

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Re: I've bought a BMW 850i

27 Aug. 2006 11:24

They found it by coincidence, and it was very small (1.8cm). I hope the irradiations and chemo worked well, and it stay's away...
But the change is very big it will come back :(

320d drives very well!! The E46 doesn't feel well by me bevore i bought it. But the diesel is very cheap with 1:18 !!! so i bought it. And it drives really nice...

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Re: I've bought a BMW 850i

27 Aug. 2006 10:50
hello Jelmer

I wish you all the best to overcome the Cancer and hope the 8 can give you back some great times while cruising around and so gain again the power needed to overcome the downs from the times in the Hospital.

have fun with the 320 :grinsen1:

Regards Fredi Swiss

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Re: I've bought a BMW 850i

26 Aug. 2006 21:51
a few months ago i posted this topic here.
But i have some bad news...

After the operation said the dokters to me that the brain tumor is not very good... Its a malicious tumor :( , so it can come back any time.
They put me trough a irradiation and some chemo.

I need to have 1 chemo, the scans they made looks good.

The Saab is sold, and i bought a second BMW. A BMW 320d:

climat control
and more...

And over 2 wheeks i drive the BMW 850i again!!!

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Re: I've bought a BMW 850i

30 Dez. 2005 12:16
Tsja.. zonde is dat...
Ik rijdt nu goed 4 jaar auto, nooit schade gehad.
Bijna altijd 2 auto's op de weg (eerst een auto vd zaak, nu eigen bedrijf daar een auto van). Maar helaas nog maar 3 schadevrije jaren opgespaard..

En dan te bedenken dat mijn pa heeel weinig verzekeringspremie betaald terwijl mijn moeder met die wagen ieder half jaar wel een keer schade rijdt :?

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Re: I've bought a BMW 850i

30 Dez. 2005 12:06
leeftijds voorwaarde weet ik niet,mar je zit nog wel in de risicogroep zoals ze dat zo mooi noemen.

ik betaal bij nedasco 38 euro per maand WA

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Re: I've bought a BMW 850i

30 Dez. 2005 10:57
Hebben ze ook een leeftijdsvoorwaarde ?
Meestal moet je ook ouder zijn dan 25 of 26 jaar.
Zelf ben ik nog maar 23 jaar oud.. overigens heb ik dus voor dagelijks vervoer wel een andere wagen.

Als je ziet dat ik nu voor Wa+ 160 euro per maand kwijt ben !!

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Re: I've bought a BMW 850i

30 Dez. 2005 09:14
hey Jelmer850i,zelf heb ik nog geen foto's van mijn auto online staan.ik heb hier wel een paar gehad toen ik mijn intake manifold gerepareed heb,maar volgens mij staan die er hier niet meer.
over een verzekering ik heb eens in google gezocht(vorig jaar) en er is een verzekering dat mijn 850 '90 in een semi-oldtimer verzekering kon.
voorwaarden waren wel dat je minder als 6000 km per jaar rijdt en een andere auto erbij hebt.ik heb een orferte laten maken en kwam uit op een 120 euro per jaar.
nu zeg ik erbij dat ik die link kwijt ben omdat ik op dat moment geen andere auto erbij had. nu moet ik dus ook weer zoeken naar die maatschappij.

groeten Danny

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Re: I've bought a BMW 850i

29 Dez. 2005 15:42

Go to your Beatrix or your Willem-Alex and ask, what is a real free citizen
and what does EU mean...

Perhaps, to have a European-wide money and administration, who robbs us all!

EU is gone to discrime all free Europeans.

Nicht immer ist eine Sache anderen Menschen so wertvoll, wie sie einem selber ist.
Das erklärt, warum manche Menschen eine gewisse Treue ihren Dingen gegenüber an den Tag legen.
Wiederum andere Menschen sind von Shinto überzeugt, demzufolge Gott in allen Dingen ist.
Auch das eine mögliche...

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Re: I've bought a BMW 850i

29 Dez. 2005 15:16
Wir sind in der EU, Holland is in der EU - wo is das Problem?
Du kannst auch zu ner Ausländischen Bank, wenn Du Geld brauchst,
bist nicht an die Halsabschneider hierzulande gebunden. Wir haben einen
freien Markt...

@ Jelmer
Hard Stuff, I see... but: enjoy the "Spirit of the 8", it will help you to go
through the barricades, and keep the fire burnin´!


Ich glaube das der regierung in der NL noch nicht verstehn hat das wir in der EU sind. Wann ich ein e31 in Deutschland kaufe muss ich >3000 euro "luxus steur fur PKW" zahlen. Und es ist verboten mit ein NL Führerschein in der NL zu fahren mit ein fahrzeig aus der ausland!

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Re: I've bought a BMW 850i

29 Dez. 2005 13:32
Wir sind in der EU, Holland is in der EU - wo is das Problem?
Du kannst auch zu ner Ausländischen Bank, wenn Du Geld brauchst,
bist nicht an die Halsabschneider hierzulande gebunden. Wir haben einen
freien Markt...

@ Jelmer
Hard Stuff, I see... but: enjoy the "Spirit of the 8", it will help you to go
through the barricades, and keep the fire burnin´!

Nicht immer ist eine Sache anderen Menschen so wertvoll, wie sie einem selber ist.
Das erklärt, warum manche Menschen eine gewisse Treue ihren Dingen gegenüber an den Tag legen.
Wiederum andere Menschen sind von Shinto überzeugt, demzufolge Gott in allen Dingen ist.
Auch das eine mögliche...

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Re: I've bought a BMW 850i

29 Dez. 2005 12:09
Hi Jelmer !
I´ll keep my fingers crossed for your convalescence.
Gruß Michael.
Das Leben besteht nicht darin, gute Karten zu kriegen, sondern mit den Karten gut zu spielen. (Arabisches Sprichwort) Die schönsten Erinnerungsfotos von meinem 8er (In meinem Besitz vom 11.01.2004 bis 19.12.2011)
Es war ne geile Zeit mit...

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Re: I've bought a BMW 850i

29 Dez. 2005 11:47
:shock: :winken: :xmas_winken:

Hoi Johan :Drv1:

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Re: I've bought a BMW 850i

29 Dez. 2005 11:46
Hoi Jelmer...Jij hier :mrgreen:

Gr. Johan

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Re: I've bought a BMW 850i

29 Dez. 2005 11:40
We have a nice Insurance-Package for realise that.


Das nützt ihm in Holland aber nicht allzu viel, oder? :grinsen1:

@Jelmer: I hope your operation will run without any complications. Looking forward to see you healthy and fine on one of the meetings next year! :winken:

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Re: I've bought a BMW 850i

29 Dez. 2005 11:39
What kind of insurance ?
I've got the car in a dutch insurance.. in the beginning some problems to get the car into it .. but he is insurenced 8)
But i pay really a lot !

The E36 is gone for more then a year now.. ive got the car to more then a year.

There is changed a lot last 6 months.

- In July i stopped working for my bos and started a own company
- I need to press the costs as low as possible.. so the 850i is right now not on the road anymore :(. I've got the car in a winter garage.. so i dont drive the 850i right now :(.
- Of course i needed a car.. something cheapers to run. But i don't like normal cars. First i drove around in an old Peugeot 405 temporary.
Then i saw a nice car:

Saab 9000 2.3 Turbo Aero from the end of 1996
Full options, navigation, leather, climat tronic... and to mutch to describe.

Nice car.. but no BMW.

But a little problem.. in middel of august i fall on the ground without one reason ! before it i don't feel well.. but couldn't describe it.
They drove me to the hospital in a medical car, in the hospital i've bin through a scan, they thougt i might had broken something, my head was full of blood. I've broken some bones on the front above my eye. Thats repaired medically.
But that was not the worst.. they found also something in my brains..... a brain tumor :mad: , its quite small.. but it need to be removed.
13 Januari i get to the hospital again.. and they try to remove it by brain operations.......

I hope i can pick up my company fast afther that operation...
Then i can drive in my 850i next summer for a few months :Drv1:

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Re: I've bought a BMW 850i

29 Dez. 2005 11:25
Hello Jelmer!
Welcome in the Club.

Why don´t you keep your E36 for "alldays"?
We have a nice Insurance-Package for realise that.

Nicht immer ist eine Sache anderen Menschen so wertvoll, wie sie einem selber ist.
Das erklärt, warum manche Menschen eine gewisse Treue ihren Dingen gegenüber an den Tag legen.
Wiederum andere Menschen sind von Shinto überzeugt, demzufolge Gott in allen Dingen ist.
Auch das eine mögliche...

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Re: I've bought a BMW 850i

29 Dez. 2005 11:24
Hi danny !
Op staat foto's van mijn 850i !

Heb je ook foto's van de jouwe ? ik ben wel benieuwd ! 8)

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Re: I've bought a BMW 850i

29 Dez. 2005 11:12
hey Jelmer, kan jammer genoeg de foto's niet zien.heb zelf een witte 850i uit'90. leuk om ook nederlanders te zien op deze site.welcome


hello jelmer ,i can't see the pictures,i drive a white 850i from '90,
nice to see some dutch people at this site. welcome

groeten Danny

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Re: I've bought a BMW 850i

31 Okt. 2004 11:18
Hello Jelmer,
it´s a nice car, i have the same colour.
Your welcome... :winken:
Gruß Maik

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I've bought a BMW 850i

31 Okt. 2004 10:48

I'm Jelmer Wijnja From the Netherlands.
This week i bought a BMW 850i from 12/1990. The car has run 220.000 km and is Calypso Red.

Bevore this car i had/have a BMW 318is Coupé from 1992 also calypso red.

Next Do the car wil be checked by a inspector.
There are a few this that are broken:

- The electric seat verse count, the button doesnt work always.
- The right part of the climatronic button to ajust the temperature in the car doesnt react. He said the button is broken ?
- And the airco doesn't work, if you pres the airco button.. you can hear the airco goes on but it doesn't get really cold.. he said that the airco should be filled up. But maybe the radiator is broken ???

A few nice things about the car:

The car is almost full options !
The paint is very nice only a little cratch on the front between the kidneys.
The car runs very nice, drives very nice.. mutch better then other BMW 850i's i've driven. Also the complete history is known, and all inspections are done by BMW !

Alse a few new things:
- new shock brekers ( don't know exactley the english word )
- new show out's ? ( don't know the exactley english word )
the rear outputs fo the engine.. the 4 pipes !
- and a new inspection.

And some photo's:

And this is/was my 318is:

I'll get the car 24'st of November.



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