Frage Hilfe!Pentosin 11S oder 7.1?Ich nicht sprachen Deutsch. BITT

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Re: Hilfe!Pentosin 11S oder 7.1?Ich nicht sprachen Deutsch. BITT

26 März 2003 03:30
I am sorry but I dont speak German-I am learning. I know that most people in Germany speak English.

I have a late 91 850Ci (ASC+T) LHD from Germany.

Can someone help me with some advice. I had a leak in a hose (power steering pipe which goes from cannister to first part of booster). I replaced it filled her up with correct 11S pentosin and now when I started her up she was leaking faster from underneath the pressure regulator which is situated next to the shock tower on a bracket right next to the battery -ve charge terminal.

The leak is very big and not from any of the pressure sensors or where any of the pipes go into but from the body itself i.e. underneath the pressure regulator.

Do I need a new regulator?
Can I get it repaired?
Will a 7 or 5 seies one fit?

Any help would be greatly appreceiated.

best wishes


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Re: Hilfe!Pentosin 11S oder 7.1?Ich nicht sprachen Deutsch. BITT

18 März 2003 20:11
You schould use the green Pentosin 11S!

Redards Micha

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Hilfe!Pentosin 11S oder 7.1?Ich nicht sprachen Deutsch. BITT

18 März 2003 12:57
Hello everyone.
I am in England. I am sorry but I dont speak German-I am learning. I was a regular member for the English site befor it closed down last year.

I am sorry but ich nicht sprachen Deutsch. Ich habe einem grosse problem mit mein 8er BMW (1991). Iche habe ein 850 Ci V12. (I bought from Geramany LHD).

I would like to know Pentosin 11S oder Pentosin 7.1? (fur Lenkrad power systeme).

I had a power steering problem (undichte stelle) last week. The colour (Farbe) of the fluid coming from the power steering leck is pale pink(klein rosa). It should be green.(grun).Ist nicht grun!

Mein Niderstallung in England does not know for sure.

On the power steering reservoir(cannister) there is einem grun Aufbleker which says Pentosin 11S aber when I removed(abnehmen) the sticker(aufbleker) it has engraviert 7.1. I am confused.(verwirren).

If I use wrong fluid then the seals on the steering box gets damaged and it costs 6000 euros to repair. Please can you help(hilfe) me?

Mein Auto:

BMW 850ci


production date:25-10-1991 (EZ/BJ)

Herr. Polash Siddique

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