Frage Attention UK members !!
- Janne850
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Re: Attention UK members !!
18 Apr. 2003 00:44If you make a small meeting in the summer i will be there to just say when :grin:
BR Janne :Drv1:
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Re: Attention UK members !!
05 Apr. 2003 01:25One time you should be the one....
But not the Size matters, you know. the Quality is the point.
If you organize anything, let me know. I will :Drv1: in a hurry.
From Ludwigshafen it should be "only" about 850km´s.
Stay tuned !
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Re: Attention UK members !!
21 März 2003 23:48One Year it will be your turn to Organice the European Meeting in the UK.
European Meeting Tour: last Year's, France now Switzerland and next Year seems to be Jannes pleasure to invite, so 2005 is still open :grinsen1:
I would certainly like to join one Day a Meeting in the UK as well :grin:
Regards Fredi Swiss
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Re: Attention UK members !!
21 März 2003 17:08:grin: Hi Pusches. YOu got to be the bravest German i know. (Janne would be the braves Swede) You are very wellcome to come. But i will be a bit of a long drive. (munich to London is 1200km) It will not be worth it if we have a short meet.
But i guess we should try to organise something bigger for people that will not want to drive to switz.. I'm just not that good of an organiser to pull something like Dijon.

What ever we decide you'll all know about it. I'll probably try to use this forum anyway (if you don't mind).
Maybe i'll get some UK members interested in the switz meet so i don't have to drive there by myself. :Drv:
Oh i got an idea. Why don't we all got to Monaco F1 Grand Prix?

Ok Ok I'm not very serious but i could have been cool

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Re: Attention UK members !!
21 März 2003 07:46:Drv: Love this smiley!
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Re: Attention UK members !!
20 März 2003 18:55Bitte Anmelden oder Registrieren um der Konversation beizutreten.
- jb007
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Re: Attention UK members !!
20 März 2003 18:47Thanks for the input. I was just wondering if anyone with same build date car has the green sticker. I will flush out the system and use 11S. I hope you wont be offended since most people are telling me to go with the sticker. Also if it has been filled with 11S- I cant go back to 7.1.
What is the year of your car and what do you use?
Thank you.I'll keep you all posted.
Dear Ralph
How are you? thanks for the diagrams and advice. I still dont know where all the brake fluid is coming from and where all the green 11S is going to. The brake fluid reservoir is still pretty full so where do I put back the 1L brake fluid I lost yesterday?
I need to replace part number 3 on your diagram. The new leak of Brake fluid is underneath the object where the pressure switches (4 and 5) are connected(is it the pressure regulator?).
Dear Alexey
Thanks for the reply. How are things with you?Congratulations on your BMW Individual. Would love to see it in the flesh soon. I will try and email the other chap soon.
I am a little preoccupied at the moment with car trouble,family trouble and girlfriend trouble-not to mention money trouble.
Look forwrd to hearing from you soon!
Best wishes to all and thanks und mfg
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Re: Attention UK members !!
20 März 2003 14:23Bitte Anmelden oder Registrieren um der Konversation beizutreten.
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Re: Attention UK members !!
20 März 2003 11:36Yes i changed my Black 850CSi for Black 850CSi Individual but a newer one with Black and Champagne interior. There are some pictures in the "Galerie" on this website.
Still in London and still want to meet up somewhere sometime in late spring. I'll try to go for the Switzerland meet in summer.
The guy's name, who broke down last time, is Jeff and his email:
I think it still works.
I've spoken with John a few days ago. (the guy with a blue 850 from London, he was with his brother). WE think it is best to organise a one day meet somewhere. But we are not sure where. There are number of possible options.
1) some country PUB with good parking and good food. (oh by the way the pub, the london members met in ,on the way to Birmingham had amazing breakfast)
2) Maybe something like a carting track with good parking
Any more ideas? Come on i know you have some!!
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Re: Attention UK members !!
20 März 2003 11:01best regards,
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Re: Attention UK members !!
20 März 2003 02:55The problem you have is an other I think. If the pipe has an little hole where the pentosin is pissing out you have an overpressure problem. The warning light says that the pressure is not constant.
Do you have sometimes not the full breaking Power ? if <yes you have to change an additional Part called pressure memory. It is a bulb wit about 15 cm diameter who stores the pressure for breaking. This part is placed before the left wheel under the plasic cover in the wheel house.
In german it is called "Druckspeicher" Part 10
Please also change part 5 and 4 because on Most Cars the sensors are leaking.
Here is the other diagram, where you see the rest of the pipes.
Which pipe are leaking? Number 3 ?
If you need Cheep Parts, feel free to Contact me. The "Pusches Parts" Company will be able to Support you with Club Prices.
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- jb007
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Re: Attention UK members !!
20 März 2003 02:34How are you? Did you change your black 850csi? Are you still in London?I am on for a meet this summer in England-maybe Brighton.
As you know I 'm having troble with hydraulics. I wanted some emails -especially the guy who had power steering problems at the meet last year-I forgot his name. I'm still in contact with Johnster (fat guy with blue LHD).
send me a direct email.
best wishes
polashky :fight:
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Re: Attention UK members !!
20 März 2003 02:28Thanks for the reply.I've asked many people in England and at roadfly US and most people say to use 11S because the aufbleker(sticker) is a green one from BMW. It is not recommended to go back to 7.1 after using 11S.
The leak was from the pipe which connects the Pentosin cannister to the first part of the booster. The pipe has been ordered from Germany to England and I should get it next week.
I put the old pipe back on after repairing it with tape but now my Brake fluid is leaking from underneath the pressure regulator but the fluid level on the reservoir is still full-so where is this coming from?
My bordcomputer says "Bremservosysteme" something.
I dont expect this from a 160 000 euro car.Especially since Germany has such a good reputation for quality.I need your help.
best wishes und mfg
PS. Does your cannister top have a grun aufbleker-if so what is the engraviert underneath?
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Re: Attention UK members !!
19 März 2003 11:38I don't really have the list of uk members but i got a list of all emails. I noticed recently that some of then don't work anymore.
Who are you trying to reach?
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Re: Attention UK members !!
19 März 2003 01:56my car is nearly the same. I´ve got an 850ci mai 1991. My one needs the Pentonsin 7.1
Where is the Pentonsin goin out?
Wer Rechtschreibfehler findet, darf sie behalten!
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Re: Attention UK members !!
18 März 2003 14:57The Repair should not cost 6000EUR. If you need cheep Parts contact me.
Regards Pusches
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Re: Attention UK members !!
18 März 2003 13:08How are you? Whats happened to Phillipe Brules site. Any chance of it becoming live again? Have you heard from the guys in england? I need to contact some of them.Please can you email me their contact details.
I am having power steering problems. I was just warming my car a couple of weeks ago and I burst a leak from a hose which goes from the power steering cannister to the booster. the luid coming out is pale pink in colour.It should be green.
On my cannister there is a green label which says 11S but when I scratched it off it is engraved 7.1.
My car is build date is Oct 1991 and it is 850 C1 with M70 engine but I heard that they only started to use 11S after 1993.
I must not mix up the fluids otherwise the seals on the steering box gets damaged and starts to leak and may cost 6000 euro to fix.
Can you give me some advice please or put me in touch with someone whos has a car with similar build date.
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Attention UK members !!
04 März 2003 17:19We getting closer and closer to summer and should start thinking if you guys want to get a short meet organised.
It would also be nice to find out how many of as still have our 8-series. ( i know that some have sold theirs )
Well leave your comments.
If you do or do not want to have a meet
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