Frage Clutch for 850 CSi

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Re: Clutch for 850 CSi

02 Dez. 2003 10:17
Yes, I see.
I will post G-power as link ....
really interresting products for ther 8th

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Re: Clutch for 850 CSi

28 Nov. 2003 22:21
G'Day Pusches

In the meantime I also did some searching on the internet on DE sites. I have found one who provide an uprated clutch for Ci and CSi models. Web link is :

G-POWER clutch set GP R - E31 850i/850Ci/850Csi amplified Consisting of pressure plate (with changed pressure features), amplified racing clutch disc and corresp. bearings, e.g. for EVO II kits.
(Assembly-time ~ 5 hours)

In fact they have quite a lot of stuff for the 8-series

Cost for the CSi was approx 1500€ including VAT. Since standard one is £480 including VAT, the price difference is not too much

Thanks again for your help
Spike :Drv1:

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Re: Clutch for 850 CSi

27 Nov. 2003 17:32
There isno stronger clutch from BMW, Alpina, Sachs, Luk etc.
I´ve checked this some Month before.

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Clutch for 850 CSi

18 Nov. 2003 23:22
G'Day Guys and Girls

Well the day has finally arrived - the clutch is starting to slip. :cry: So before I replace with the standard BMW issue does anyone know of someone who sells a stronger clutch for the CSi - Twin Plate or something.

I checked out here in the UK but only possibility was to take a new BMW clutch and uprate the springs and friction plates etc. Cost was around £1000 in total for 600bhp clutch. :twisted: Nice but I can buy 4 standard clutches for the same money. :evil:

Any help appreciated


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