Frage Greetings from Australia
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Re: Greetings from Australia
01 März 2013 12:23Bis Singapur können wir mit dem Auto fahren. 181 Stunden für ~14.000km
Das geht ja noch.
Aber dann wirds schwierig.
Noch keine Autofährverbindung gefunden.
Halte uns auf dem Laufenden. :mrgreen:
Mach ich doch glatt, Thomas. Aber erstmal geht's nur bis zum Kaukasus, demnächst im Alpina-Forum nachzulesen.
Australien incl. Fähre hat schon jemand durchgezogen, allerdings nicht im 8er:
(mit freundlicher Genehmigung aus kopiert)
Den Rest von St. Petersburg nach Hause sind wir schon 2012 problemlos gefahren. Verlust nur ein E31-Frontspoiler auf der Rampe zu einer Fähre, aber nicht an einem B12.
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Re: Greetings from Australia
01 März 2013 12:12
Der Echte BMW-Fahrer hat die Mücken auf der Seitenscheibe !
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Re: Greetings from Australia
01 März 2013 11:34Ist doch schön. Ausgrabungen fördern die Bildung. Ich hab' gleich mal bei Wikipedia nachgelesen, was das überhaupt ist, dieses sogenannte Australien.
Na ja, wenn's dort ohne Tempolimit läuft, könnte ich's in die Tourplanung aufnehmen.
Hab für dich schon mal recherchiert:
Bis Singapur können wir mit dem Auto fahren. 181 Stunden für ~14.000km
Das geht ja noch.
Aber dann wirds schwierig.
Noch keine Autofährverbindung gefunden.
Wird darauf hinauslaufen das die Autos in Container verpackt werden und per Frachter nach Peth schwimmen müssen. Die dann sich anschließende Australienumrundung ist dann nur noch Formsache.
Der Einfachheit halber schlage ich den Rückweg für Auto und Besatzung per Düse vor, weil der gleiche Weg wieder zurück ja langweilig ist.
Hmm, sieht so aus als ob so eine Tour nur für dich und die Schweizer Twins finanzierbar ist.
So jetzt kannst du in die Detailplanung einsteigen.
Halte uns auf dem Laufenden. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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Re: Greetings from Australia
28 Feb. 2013 18:52Der Echte BMW-Fahrer hat die Mücken auf der Seitenscheibe !
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Re: Greetings from Australia
28 Feb. 2013 18:23Na ja, wenn's dort ohne Tempolimit läuft, könnte ich's in die Tourplanung aufnehmen.
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Re: Greetings from Australia
28 Feb. 2013 18:13Bitte Anmelden oder Registrieren um der Konversation beizutreten.
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Re: Greetings from Australia
28 Feb. 2013 17:53
Series 8 Driver around the World !
Der Echte BMW-Fahrer hat die Mücken auf der Seitenscheibe !
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Re: Greetings from Australia
25 Aug. 2004 14:59
G'Day Reinhard,
I only travelled in daylight and didn't see one live Roo. I have driven all over Oz and like you seen heaps of roadkill, but it NT I have found they generally sleep during the day. I find Tasmania the worst for roadkill during the day as its cooler there.
Overtaking road trains pulling 4 or 5 trailers in the 8 is a breeze. I wouldn't want to try it in a 4 cylinder! My car is 94 840Ci / M60. The fuel down here is good (no Nickasil issues in Oz).
There are about 200 8's in Oz. There is probably about 50 in Melbourne. But I can tell you when an 8 pulls up to next to M3s or 645Cis, everyone gawks at the 8. I've met a few other 8 owners.
Pretty easy to import...all Oz specs 8's are essentially UK spec (in fact most of the stolen UK ones end up here). Easier to import RHD though.
Do you know where I can find info removing the speed limiter? I am about to fit the Csi spoiler kit and interested to see if I can a higher Vmax.
I don't speed in home state of Victoria, the rozzers drive 5.7L V8 Holden Commodores and give warning shots to the head.
Seeya Ian
I`ve been to Oz five times driving around 12.000 k`s (mostly between Syd/Townsville, visiting good friends) and didn`t see any livin Roos during daylight too. So you`re not alone. Also never seen an 8 (no matter of day/night), not even at BMW in Sydney and damn, it`s a big one! Comin over again next year, maybe then... :winken:
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Re: Greetings from Australia
25 Aug. 2004 13:06G´day mate,
and welcome to this part of the E31 world.
I am sure you had a blast racing thru the NT.
I do remember feeling extremely fast but actually not too safe doing 160klicks (vmax for Falcon 3.3L) in the NT.
At the time when we drove North to South we had heaps of roadkill esp south of Alice going towards Adelaide.
I would not want to experience them damn stupid wedgetails trying to pull cattle off the road whilst approaching at 250 kph :harhar:
What year, model is your car?
From what I heard the 8er community is, ummm, quite small in OZ... pity that. Met anyone?
Any restrictions to import 8ers? We have a few shiploads :mrgreen:
Enjoy your car!
G'Day Reinhard,
I only travelled in daylight and didn't see one live Roo. I have driven all over Oz and like you seen heaps of roadkill, but it NT I have found they generally sleep during the day. I find Tasmania the worst for roadkill during the day as its cooler there.
Overtaking road trains pulling 4 or 5 trailers in the 8 is a breeze. I wouldn't want to try it in a 4 cylinder! My car is 94 840Ci / M60. The fuel down here is good (no Nickasil issues in Oz).
There are about 200 8's in Oz. There is probably about 50 in Melbourne. But I can tell you when an 8 pulls up to next to M3s or 645Cis, everyone gawks at the 8. I've met a few other 8 owners.
Pretty easy to import...all Oz specs 8's are essentially UK spec (in fact most of the stolen UK ones end up here). Easier to import RHD though.
Do you know where I can find info removing the speed limiter? I am about to fit the Csi spoiler kit and interested to see if I can a higher Vmax.
I don't speed in home state of Victoria, the rozzers drive 5.7L V8 Holden Commodores and give warning shots to the head.
Seeya Ian
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Re: Greetings from Australia
25 Aug. 2004 09:49and welcome to this part of the E31 world.
I am sure you had a blast racing thru the NT.
I do remember feeling extremely fast but actually not too safe doing 160klicks (vmax for Falcon 3.3L) in the NT.
At the time when we drove North to South we had heaps of roadkill esp south of Alice going towards Adelaide.
I would not want to experience them damn stupid wedgetails trying to pull cattle off the road whilst approaching at 250 kph :harhar:
What year, model is your car?
From what I heard the 8er community is, ummm, quite small in OZ... pity that. Met anyone?
Any restrictions to import 8ers? We have a few shiploads :mrgreen:
Enjoy your car!
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Re: Greetings from Australia
25 Aug. 2004 09:33G`Day Ian,
did you really drove up all the way to Ulura with your 8? Looking quite attractive in front of Ayers rock. :winken:
G'Day Yes, I drove from Melbourne (5200km round trip, 520 litres of fuel). The roads are sealed the whole way...and getting around 900km to a tank I was much safer than some petrol 4WDs I passed who were only getting 400km to a tank and barely making it to some towns to refuel.
The Northen Territory has no speed limits on the open highways so it really suits the continent busting 8!
Seeya Ian
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Re: Greetings from Australia
24 Aug. 2004 06:17did you really drove up all the way to Ulura with your 8? Looking quite attractive in front of Ayers rock. :winken:
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Greetings from Australia
24 Aug. 2004 06:04Bitte Anmelden oder Registrieren um der Konversation beizutreten.