Frage 1992-99 M60/M62 840Ci - Worldwide Inventory Completed

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Re: 1992-99 M60/M62 840Ci - Worldwide Inventory Completed

11 Juli 2005 00:36
A marvelous statistic!!!
More of that, please :top:
Aus Fehlern lernt man...sollte man zumindest!
(Ich spreche aus Erfahrung)

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Re: 1992-99 M60/M62 840Ci - Worldwide Inventory Completed

10 Juli 2005 10:32
Hello Jud

Well Respect respect, Jud you are really spending tremendous time for our loved 8Series Cars which ends in very interessting Statistics :respekt:

all i can say, keep going you have our Honor for sure .

Regards Fredi

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Re: 1992-99 M60/M62 840Ci - Worldwide Inventory Completed

10 Juli 2005 01:37
Thank you for sharing!
I love this kind of statistics :kiss:

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1992-99 M60/M62 840Ci - Worldwide Inventory Completed

09 Juli 2005 21:57
Hallo fellow 8er's;

Because of Ralf's hospitality in welcoming me into, I exclusively offer to the German 8er owner community the first preliminary 840Ci inventory results. In the past 7 days, I have completed the worldwide inventory of each 840Ci ever produced from December 1992 through May 1999 as part of the 2005 BMW 8 Series Inventory Project. The 840's took nearly 5 months to catalog.

Note: these numbers are subject to audit.

In summary:

-> There were 87 colors used for the 840Ci worldwide (this includes special bi-color cars)

-> The top five 840Ci worldwide colors:

--- #1 - ORIENTBLAU METALLIC (317) - 1.038 produced
--- #2 - COSMOSSCHWARZ METALLIC (303) - 892 built
--- #3 - ARKTISSILBER METALLIC (309) - 842 built
--- #4 - SCHWARZ 2 (668) - 792 produced (primarily North America)
--- #5 - OXFORDGRUEN METALLIC (324) - 764 produced

-> These five colors comprise 55.4% of all 7,803 840Ci's built

-> Regarding SONDERLACKIERUNG (490), special order exterior colors:

--- For ECE/Rest of World - 942 were ordered; 932 are identified (missing 10)
--- These ECE 840Ci special orders comprise 17.6% of all 5,353 ECE 840's built
--- For North America - only 6 were special ordered; all identified
--- North America BMW dealers discouraged special orders for 8er's; therefore, special orders are only .24% of all 2,450 North American 840's built (less than 1%)

Special thanks to Reinhard for his assistance.

The 2005 BMW 8 Series Inventory Project is now halfway through completion. To read about the latest status report on this project, go here:

Jud Spencer
BMW 8 Series Registry Agent
Emeritus – 2002/08 - 2010/08

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