Frage On the beach....

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Re: On the beach....

17 Aug. 2005 09:10
Idioten gibt`s überall. Meine persönliche Reaktion auf sowas wäre mit Sicherheit zu 100% wort- und humorlos gewesen.

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Re: On the beach....

17 Aug. 2005 08:41
:lol: :top:

:toothbrush: Amin :toothbrush:
:toothbrush: Amin :toothbrush:
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On the beach....

17 Aug. 2005 08:31
almost every owner has, from time to time, to fight tears and cool down the anger because some friendly guy "accidentally" marks our "pride and joy".

I found the following posting in the US roadfly forum - this is an excellent read - don´t eat whilst reading otherwise you´ll have to clean the screen in front of you once you´re finished.

By Joe///M

I was walking back to my 8 a few weeks ago from the beach, and there were three frat-boys strolling along in front of me, unaware of my presence. We passed five or six cars parked along the side of the road with no incident. Then, as the "gentleman" on the far left of the pack neared my 8, he slowly weaved to his left, allowing his mini-Igloo cooler to smack against my fender! He just kept walking on, as if he were oblivious to his actions (we all know the truth, though).

I immediately yelled, "Hey [expletiving mother expletive]! Why don't you watch where the [expletive] you are [expletiving] going!"

He, nor his friends even turned around to acknowledge my statement.

Again, I yelled, "Hey! Meathead mother [expletive]! Are you [expletiving] deaf? I'm [expletiving] talking to you [female dog refernce]."

All three of the idiots turned in unison, as if they were going to start beef. I am 350 lbs, 6', 1", and rarely shave (due to me sensitive skin), so when angered, I must look quite scary through my unkempt goatee, and scruffy, nine o' clock shadow.)

One of the jerks chimed-in for his pal, "What's your problem? He did not meeeean to hit your car!" He then proceeded to step toward me as if he were going to be the first of his friends to engage me.

I don't go looking for trouble, and I am selling my 8er, but I am damn fed-up with people intentionally trying to damage my Bimmer. It happens ALL the time.

I got about three steps from him, and looked him in the eyes with my best mobster snarl, and yelled, "Oh YEAH?! Well I don't mean to break [expletive-rs'] like your [expletiving] noses when they [expletive] with my car!" And I crossed both of my arms and stood there waiting for a reply. Seconds passed as the punk pondered a size 16 EEEE up his bum, and his buddy with the cooler grabbed his shirt and tugged him away from me.

"C'mon...he's not worth it, man!" The beer bonging klutz blurted.

"I'm not worth what, beotch?" I continued, "An [Oops!] kicking? I'll let all three of you gimps line up and give it a go. One-on-one, big boy!" I barked. "C'mon, I'll give you fifty bucks if one of you can land two punches before I snap you like a twig!" I turned long enough to break eye contact with the first punk, and look at his cooler-happy comrade. "Well?" I asked him, "You game? Or do you just mess with other people's things when nobody's looking?"

"I'm sorry about your car," he slurred, "I didn't see it there."

I told him if he put down the cooler, I'd give him a reaaal close look at the hood as I kicked his butt. By then, his other two pals had taken-off for backup. The Budweiser-breathed baboon scurried away to catch his fleeing pals, and I got in my car, and drove away, making a mental note not to drive the 8 to the beach for a while, so as to avoid a retaliation from the three stooges.

Wouldn't you know, three days later, I saw the same bunch of morons go into the local greasy spoon to grab a bite. I just happened to have a full 32 oz. soda in my SAAB with me, and they did not even notice me spying on them as they entered the diner.

Long story short, I'm sure it was fun having the Dr. Pepper steam-cleaned out of his Jeep, which they conveniently had the ragtop off of. It was worth every penny of that wasted fountain drink to think about those jerks hopping back in the Jeep, and sitting in half-dried, sticky soft drink!!! He he he.

As David Banner used to warn, "Don't make me angry...You wouldn't like me when I'm angry."

Another time, a guy actually hit his door against my door while I was IN the 850, and then looked over and saw me staring him down.

I just said, "I'm giving you a ten second head start a-hole!" And the guy turned beet red, and got back in his Mercury Mistake, and high-tailed it outta there! lol.

I think if people understood the relative low resale value of our cars, and the amount of time that we spend keeping them roadworthy, they might not be so quick to try and crap all over them. I guess an 87,000 dollar vehicle still looks like an 87,000 dollar vehicle, even at 15 years old!


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